Our mission is to facilitate understanding and reconciliation

What We Do

The Racial Justice Collaborative is a diverse, Black-led, multi-generational group that addresses contemporary and historical racial issues. Our mission is to facilitate understanding and reconciliation of conflicts arising from anti-Black and other racism. The RJC actively bridges the racial divide by addressing the impact of de facto and de jure segregation, anti-Black sentiments, and white supremacist ideologies.

About the RJC

The Racial Justice Collaborative (RJC) is a diverse Black-led, multi-racial, and multi-generational group dedicated to dismantling the pervasive systems of inequality and anti-Blackness, while advocating for a just and equitable society that benefits everyone. Recognizing conflict as a catalyst for meaningful change, the RJC embraces the transformative power of "sitting in the fire" – a process that encourages confronting and working through the emotions and discomfort that arise from addressing anti-Black racism and white supremacy. This approach fosters mutual commitment and solidarity in the pursuit of shared objectives.

Founded by Diane Wong and a dedicated team of passionate anti-racists in 2020 in response to the brutal murder of George Floyd, an event that triggered an urgent nationwide awakening. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization continued to thrive, utilizing a flexible hybrid online/in-person approach to extend its reach and impact locally and globally. By working tirelessly towards a more inclusive and equitable world, the RJC has proven to be a vital force for change today.

Meet the Team

  • Diane Wong


  • Frank Eason


  • Christina Balch


  • Pharaoh Saunders


  • Lane Arye


  • Kathryn Saunders


Healing Our Racial Divide