About the
Racial Justice Collaborative
The Racial Justice Collaborative (or RJC) is a Black-led organization dedicated to deep race education, dialogue, and bridge-building. Our primary work involves facilitating comprehensive discussions on race, offering workshops, and consulting with cities, communities, nonprofits, and other institutions to foster a deeper understanding of racial issues and unity.
Some members of the Racial Justice Collaborative meeting over Zoom
Who we are
The Racial Justice Collaborative (RJC) is a diverse, Black-led, multi-racial, multi-generational group that addresses contemporary and historical racial issues. Our mission is to facilitate understanding and reconciliation of conflicts arising from anti-Black and other racism. The RJC actively bridges the racial divide by addressing the impact of de facto and de jure segregation, anti-Black sentiments, and white supremacist ideologies.
Founded by Diane Wong and a dedicated team of passionate anti-racists in 2020 in response to the brutal murder of George Floyd, an event that triggered an urgent nationwide awakening. Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization thrived utilizing a flexible hybrid online/in-person approach to extend its reach and impact locally and globally. By working tirelessly towards a more inclusive and equitable world, the RJC has proven to be a vital force for change today.
What we do
The Racial Justice Collaborative (RJC) uses dialogue, education and deep awareness to dismantle the pervasive systems of inequality and anti-Blackness, while advocating for a just and equitable society that benefits everyone. Recognizing conflict as a catalyst for meaningful change, the RJC embraces the transformative power of "sitting in the fire" – a process that encourages confronting and working through the emotions and discomfort that arise from addressing anti-Black racism and white supremacy. This approach fosters mutual commitment and solidarity in the pursuit of shared objectives.
About founder Diane Wong
Diane Wong, founder and leader of the Racial Justice Collaborative, is a distinguished conflict resolution and dialogue facilitator specializing in race-related issues within mixed race groups. Holding a JD from Harvard Law School, Diane is a certified mediator, facilitator, and global conflict resolution processor. Her personal experiences as a multi-racial Black woman fueled her lifelong commitment to pursuing racial justice through open dialogue, learning, and healing.
Diane Wong hosting her podcast “Let’s Talk About Race”
Meet the Team
Frank Eason
Christina Balch
Pharaoh Saunders
Lane Arye
Kathryn Saunders
The Racial Justice Collaborative Leads the Way to Reconciliation -
One Conversation at a Time.

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Thank you to our sponsors
Massachusetts Cultural Council
Processwork Institute
Sira Naturals